THE ARCHIVE: ‘Toxic Grafity’ zine

pages from ‘Toxic Grafity’ zine

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1 comment on “‘Toxic Grafity’ zine

  1. Nicholas Bullen ToxicGrafity

    I’ve just launched (October 2022) an online Toxic Grafity, although there’s still quite a bit of work to do on it: I want to sort out online advertising, and develop it (a) as an online archive of old TG stuff 1978-82 and related material, and; (b) create written material and artwork that revives the spirit of the old TG while connecting the world and the ‘me’ of the late ’70s and early ’80s with those of the 2020s. As such, there is still quite a lot to do with it, but this is a start:

    It’s a work in progress, not perfection!
