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The Archive

denim jacket with patches

This is the denim jacket I pretty much lived in between 1986 and 1989, when it got a bit too small. Most patches came from a stall at Basingstoke market.

Tony Iommi Gibson 'Monkey' SG

Described by 'Hard Rock' organization as the single most important piece of music history through out their humongous dazzling collection of memorabilia , this historic beautiful cherry red Gibson SG was bought by Tony Iommi sometime around 1966-1967 , Tony Iommi was originally using a white fender strat professionally as viewed on his very short stunt with Jethro Tull on the rolling stone film ‘The Rock N Roll circus’ , during the recording sessions of Black Sabbath’s debut album and after tracking ‘Wicked World’ , the bridge pickup failed and since it was really difficult to get any guitar treatment at time Tony Iommi used this spare Gibson SG 1965 special guitar to finish up recording the rest of the album and ever since became his main instrument on the majority of Sabbath’s early albums and tours. The guitar was used on the Black Sabbath albums ‘Black Sabbath’ , ‘Paranoid’ ,’Master Of Reality’,’Vol.4’ and ‘Sabbath Bloody Sabbath’ , it can easily be seen on all early 70’s Sabbath videos specifically on Sabbath’s memorable show at ‘California Jam’ 1974.The guitar which was nicked ‘The Monkey’ guitar due to the distinctive and instantly recognizable monkey guitar on front of the guitar was heavily edited by legendary guitar lutheir Martin Birch , he replaced the neck positioned pickup with a Simplux ( a P90 like single coil pickup) and custom wounded the P90 pick up at the bridge position as well.The guitar was donated by Tony Iommi to ‘Hard Rock Café’ organization as seen on ‘Hard Rock Treasures’ DVD and viewed in the picture gallery of this post .The guitar is currently at New York Times Square Hard Rock.


Black Sabbath badge

a vintage Black Sabbath badge. 100% unofficial, it's got a nice 'outsider art' feel to it. might have to get a t-shirt made of this one... cheers for donating it Sean!


Big Bear News (1970)

Big Bear News (1970). Includes adverts for Sabbath's album release. Other features include Groupie of the Month.

Black Sabbath 1982 tour t-shirt

Mob Rules 1982 tour t-shirt. Obtained from a Nottingham shop keeper in exchange for some Sabbath/Ozzy collectables. originaly brought at the 1982 Bingley Hall gig on the Mob Rules tour.


Ozzy Osbourne – Bark at the Moon Doll

Here is a brand new Ozzy Osbourne, Bark at the Moon, collectible rock doll made by Fun for All Collectibles/Art Asylum. It is a large scale figure that plays a remix of Bark at the Moon when you press it’s chest. The figure has never .
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Sabbath T-shirts

Note: This isn't much of a collection yet, unfortunately Black Sabbath T-shirts are pretty scarce around here. Anyway, the first one I bought was the Vol 4 one (can't remember the year), latest is the "World Tour 1978" one, which I got a coupla months ago.



Pages from Grapevine. This monthly publication detailed cultural happens in Birmingham. A listings magazine very much of the time. These pages are from both the early A5 version and later A4, more professionally printed editions. The listings sections have enabled us to compile a list .
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