THE ARCHIVE: Judas Priest British Steel UK promo with sticker (1980)

Judas Priest British Steel UK promo copy with sticker saying “Includes Living After Midnight”. Steve bought this from Birmingham’s legendary Reddingtons Rare Records. The running order of the tracks on the record differs slightly between the British versus US/Canadian versions. This was Judas Priest’s sixth album released on CBS, 14th of April 1980. It was recorded at Tittenhurst Park, home of former Beatle Ringo Starr. The band used analog recording of smashing milk bottles to be included in Breaking the Law, as well as various sounds in Metal Gods produced by billiard cues and trays of cutlery. It was released in the UK at a discount price of £3.99, with the advertisements in the music press bearing the legend British Steal. Songs Breaking the Law, United, and Living After Midnight were released as singles. It reached #4 on the UK albums chart and #34 on the US billboard pop chart.

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