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School Photograph circa 1984Written by Ben Javens on 19th July 2010

This is a school picture of me and my brother from about 1984. Just visible is my Black Sabbath T-shirt and his AC/DC one. Though I was only 9 at the time I can clearly remember asking to be bought the T-shirts while we were on holiday in Blackpool, or was that Bridlington? At that time I don’t think either of us particularly owned or listened to our own music and I’m pretty sure we didn’t know who Sabbath or AC/DC were so the only explanation I have for wanting those shirts was because they looked cool! Mine had a picture of the grim reaper on the front and his a man being electrocuted. 26 years later though and I can honestly say I love Sabbath and can’t think of a cooler picture of me as a kid…well there is that one of us in Scarborough standing with Darth Vader.