You won’t have seen this before

50 Rough for Port Vale 1 day festival

This is the mock up of artwork to be used for the Heavy Metal Holocaust gig at Port Vale football club on 1st August 1981.

76 Sabbath Poster, signed 1970 Malvern Winer Gardens-1

This is a poster for a Black Sabbath gig on 30th May 1970.

Both items belong to Krusher Joule who has contributed them to our digital archive. Check some of the other items recently uploaded here. Some of you may recognise the name…Krusher has a long history of artistic and broadcasting involvement with metal. His credits are far to long to list but feel free to view them for yourself here.

Krusher will be coming to our next open day on Saturday 26th March at The Public, West Bromwich.